A Stranger Or A Friend ?
He met me in school in environment of competition .the
reason why I had to encounter him, was the competition
just like other schoolboys who are considered to be
good in study teacher put them in a separate race in
which you just have to get more marks than your
partner and that's it.
The competition was what we used to listen the whole day.
Days went on and the environment was same.
One day school changed to college but he took it too seriously.
Whenever he used to meet me by God I still could sense
the smell of competition.
and by that time I had learned that this is not what
actual life is.
"Time never stops"
it was going on and on and on.
2 years of college-
Days passed. and my fate sent me and
him to the same university. Good and bad at the same time
Good in sense. I was not alone from my city
Bad in sensei didn't like the way we met in school in the
environment where you can never get your people.
Fortunately or unfortunately still confused I am about it
we became roommates and started living in the same room.
We became good friends in a way as we had no choice.
After one and half years I got into relationship and this
is where again he started behaving unusually.
I don't know if it was a conspiracy or it was natures fate
in no time I was alone. My friends (people I used to
hang out with) left me and kept them separate from me.
I will say, people, I used to hang out with to mention them not
friends if they actually were friends then why would one ever
leave his friend? Well, I was alone now and maybe they
wanted me to feel it. Maybe to feel bad about it.
But did life stop? Did it make any massive effect?
One thing people should understand "life never waits
or stops it just goes on ?"
Now people could see By the grace of Almighty I'm still
happy but that friend still tests me to know how I'm
going? am I suffering from the stress they wanted or he wanted to put
on me?
he tests me sometimes to get what he wants to know.
now I can see one day he
becomes nice and one day he is just a stranger and cycle repeats on its own
" life is going on unstoppable."
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