KFC Success Story

when he was  5 years old his father died
at 16 he was kicked out of school
at 17 got  fired from 4 jobs
18 he got married became railroad conductor
at 19 he became father to a little girl
at 20 his wife left him and took her baby daughter  with  her
at 22 he joined army applied to law school and got the rejection from jobs
he became salesman
another failure was again waiting for him
he decided to be a cook and dishwasher
at 65 he retired
on retirement, he received a cheque 105 dollars from govt
how could he had survived monthly at age of 65 he thought
felt like a totally  broken guy
he wanted to commit suicide
he was writing his last letter
and then he decided to write the accomplishments of life
while writing he started thinking he has not done a lot that he wanted to do
he decided to live his life all over
he realized there was soo much he had not done yet
one thing he thought he could do that  no one else can or do  better than others
it was cooking
cooking the chicken
he borrowed 87 dollars and bought fryer and ingredients
he fried chicken and went door to door to sell it
he tried to get the license but got failed 1009 times
but 1010th time was the time when his recipe got the license
he founded KFC then
and then the world witnessed  the guy who wanted to commit suicide at 65
at 88  was a multi-billionaire
so what do you learn
it is never too old to dream
and never be disappointed just try to find the best out
of the worst circumstances, you can find and live the life you deserve
