This Place

"this place is not really in our favor"
I said to myself.
7 days away from this place no fight in between us
at all. we behaved like the nicest couple on this planet.
we talk we share we talk the whole time
you get to listen to her voice before sleeping and after waking up
what a best you can expect.
in 7 days we really didn't talk about the place we study called *******
but right after some days as we talked about one of my friends and at same time
you know my bad luck got up saying
"hello dude why are you having good days im sorry I fell asleep for a while"
I all stunned at nature
and here we go
we got bad in between us
so this evil place is not really in my favor or her favor
despite the fact that we 1st met in this place.
that's only good that has happened there
waiting for my bad luck to sleep again
so we may make up
hopefully, we will soon hopefully we will.
im sorry sweetheart
